UFT 12.01 | QTP | Flight Reservation Application Tips Video Lecture | Automation Training with HPE Unified Functional Testing 12.0 - Software Testing

Automation Training with HPE Unified Functional Testing 12.0

FAQs on UFT 12.01 - QTP - Flight Reservation Application Tips Video Lecture - Automation Training with HPE Unified Functional Testing 12.0 - Software Testing

1. What is UFT 12.01?

Ans. UFT 12.01, also known as QTP (QuickTest Professional), is a software testing tool used for automating functional and regression testing of applications. It is widely used for GUI testing and supports a wide range of technologies and platforms.

2. What is the Flight Reservation Application?

Ans. The Flight Reservation Application is a sample application used for testing purposes. It simulates a flight reservation system and allows testers to practice automation testing using tools like UFT. It helps in understanding the various features and capabilities of the testing tool.

3. What are some tips for using UFT 12.01 for testing the Flight Reservation Application?

Ans. Here are some tips for using UFT 12.01 for testing the Flight Reservation Application: - Familiarize yourself with the application's functionality and user interface before starting the automation process. - Use the Object Repository effectively to manage and maintain the test objects. - Implement reusable components and functions to optimize test script development and maintenance. - Prioritize test cases based on criticality and complexity to ensure efficient test execution. - Regularly update and enhance test scripts to adapt to changes in the application's functionality.

4. What are the key features of UFT 12.01 (QTP)?

Ans. Some key features of UFT 12.01 (QTP) include: - Record and playback functionality for automating test scripts. - Object identification and management through the Object Repository. - Support for various scripting languages like VBScript. - Integration with other testing tools and frameworks. - Data-driven testing capabilities for testing with multiple data sets. - Support for a wide range of technologies and platforms. - Built-in reporting and result analysis features.

5. How can I download and install UFT 12.01 (QTP)?

Ans. To download and install UFT 12.01 (QTP), you need to follow these steps: 1. Visit the official Micro Focus website or any trusted software download platform. 2. Search for the UFT 12.01 (QTP) download option and click on it. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the download. 4. Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the installation wizard. 5. Provide the necessary details and select the desired installation options. 6. Wait for the installation process to complete. 7. Launch UFT 12.01 (QTP) and activate it using the provided license key or trial version.

Text Transcript from Video

hello everyone welcome to the EFT videos
in this video I'll show you a couple of
tips that will you know help you see if
you know some time when you start
recording and they don't playing with
new applications and trying to get a
hand on the application primarily and
definitely this these tips did help me
and I hope this will help you as well
let me run the script and this script
you know primarily works with the sample
application and it does say it only has
a couple of check points and few
transactions added let me go ahead and
run it it's performing a checkpoint
there line 19 turn into damage
checkpoint and then it's going forward
so it finished the script and displayed
the results so the way the environment
is said it had you know the results will
show up as soon as the script is
finished so it you know it finishes the
script and displays the results on your
screen while you're initially trying to
automate things I mean the results
window is of no use I mean there's no
point because you know it opens up every
time you run it that's one thing and the
other thing is for every run it creates
it creates a results folder in the test
directory so the here or the action that
you see here and the other results so
that's where for every runs you know we
have reserved results ten plus ten let
me go and run it see look at here it's
immediately creating another results
Valerius 11003 and a score checkpoints
we're gonna cancel switch to the term
window so arrests 11 and there was zero
three on score checkpoint so in the
initial stage I mean there is no point
in saving the results so what we can do
a couple of things what we can do is
number one is let's go ahead and disable
the results window so I went to tools
options run sessions and say view
results when run and when session ends
I'm going to uncheck that and save it
that's first thing so we disabled it the
second thing is what we will do is when
we start the run and instead of
accepting the defaults let's pick the
options and pick temporary round
resolves folder so it goes into your
operating system temporary folder hit
run so now what happens is this the
script will not save the results into
your script folder because for every run
you get one folder and when you you know
start working with these scripts you'll
end up running what if you
three six sometimes even hundred times
to get to the final script that you like
then you'll have 100 folders in there so
it's there's no point in you know having
all those folders I mean you do have a
cleanup tool you can use but you can
directly point it to a temp folder and
you're directly will be clean so here so
I still have only ten it did not add any
other folder here the results fall again
fade Ronnie
by default because we pick the temporary
folder last time so by default it did it
remembers it and it it always points to
the temporary folder now so you can hit
run I will start using the temporary
location so there's another thing and so
that will save you know it'll it'll not
clutter your script or actually that's
more number two the first tip will not
display any results and on the
checkpoints once you know that the
checkpoint is working the way it should
work and if you are still constructing
your script go ahead and disable your
checkpoint because there's no point in
running your checkpoints every time and
you're actually still constructing your
script you may have checkpoints in the
beginning and you may be still
continuing with the other parts of your
script so now if I do that see let's go
ahead and you know look at the last
round results and let's take a look at
the checkpoint so this is one checkpoint
here waited for ten seconds let's see it
checkpoint here or let me do this in
transaction so it took to the foot just
for the login it took about eleven
seconds nine point two seconds but
there's no when you're actually as I
said when you're actually still
constructing once you have yourself
checkpoints you know design or coded
once they're good to go
when you know that it's working I'll
expect it is disabled for the
I'm being as you you know finish on the
other parts of the script let me go
ahead and run it and I'll show you how
quickly the script runs now because it's
there are no checkpoints to look at me
you know I think it barely took a second
at the login screen now and there's no
results window so I don't have to go and
close the results window so I can run as
many times as I want results are going
into the temporary folder I don't have
to look at the results I know the
checkpoints or working fine so I'll just
disabled it because I can go back and
enable them at the end whenever I think
I need it now if you go look at the last
round results because that option will
only display the last result you can
always open this any results you like if
you go look at the log in action
it only took what half a second 0.6
seconds so that you know ten seconds
versus one second you're saying quite a
bit of time there and now you run it 100
times 200 times and depending on the
checkpoints you have there could be a
difference of few minutes so anyway
there are a few tips you know if you
think they're useful you can definitely
incorporate that into your learning
process and you know play with it as
well okay well that's it about you know
this video few tips there just to
quickly summarize it number one we
disabled the run results using a tools
options run sessions we uncheck this one
and when we're honest on a script we
instead of using the wrong results
folder we picked the temporary option
and we you know commented out the check
points you know we can always go there
and you know we can may enable those
lines on as needed basis
that's it quick three things will
definitely save quite a bit of time I
hope I it was a helpful and you know I
will talk to you in the next video
thank you for watching this video
thank you