HR’s End-of-Year Checklist: How to Finish Q4 on the Right Foot

HR’s End-of-Year Checklist: How to Finish Q4 on the Right Foot

With Q4 upon us, now is the time to ramp up preparation efforts for the end of the year. From employee benefits deadlines, to compliance and legal changes, to creating your vision for next year, HR has a lot on their plates in the final quarter.

That’s why we’ve created this HR end-of-year checklist so nothing falls through the cracks during the busy season.

Read on for what steps you should take now to ensure a smooth end-of-year transition.

Step 1: Communicate HR Year-End Reminders to Employees

From submitting FSA information to updating personal information, HR can stay ahead of yearly compliance (and administrative headaches) by regularly communicating key reminders to teammates before the holiday season PTO rush. Here’s what you should remind employees about in Q4: