Center for State Tax Policy

The mission of our state program is to promote tax and fiscal policy that leads to higher economic growth and improved quality of life for taxpayers throughout the U.S. states.

Our state tax policy experts are routinely relied upon for presentations, testimony, and media appearances on state tax and fiscal policy, and our website is a comprehensive resource for information on tax and spending policy in each U.S. state.

We produce the annual State Business Tax Climate Index, Facts & Figures: How Does Your State Compare, and Location Matters: The State Tax Costs of Doing Business, among other resources. Explore our five reforms for an increasingly mobile economy.

Featured Issues

Featured Projects

2024 State Business Tax Climate Index

October 24, 2023 February 23, 2024

2024 State Business Tax Climate Index

In recognition of the fact that there are better and worse ways to raise revenue, our Index focuses on how state tax revenue is raised, not how much. The rankings, therefore, reflect how well states structure their tax systems.

Remote work tax reform options to improve state tax mobility and state tax modernization 2022

January 5, 2022 October 10, 2023

Eight State Tax Reforms for Mobility and Modernization

States are unprepared for the ongoing shift to remote and flexible work arrangements, or for the industries and activities of today, to say nothing of tomorrow. In some states, moreover, existing tax provisions exacerbate the impact of high inflation and contribute to the supply chain crisis.

March 23, 2023 May 22, 2024

Facts & Figures 2023: How Does Your State Compare?

Facts & Figures serves as a one-stop state tax data resource that compares all 50 states on over 40 measures of tax rates, collections, burdens, and more.

State reciprocity agreements including state income tax reciprocity agreements

November 16, 2022 February 22, 2024

Do Unto Others: The Case for State Income Tax Reciprocity

Remote and flexible work opportunities are here to stay, whether states like it or not. With enhanced opportunities to take their job with them wherever they please, more workers can factor tax burdens into their decision of where to live.

South Dakota v Wayfair online sales tax remote sellers compliance issues with marketplace facilitator laws

November 2, 2023 November 2, 2023

Marketplace Facilitator Laws: Past, Present, and a Better Future

The current patchwork of state laws taxing marketplace facilitators is complex, burdensome, and inefficient. States should work to resolve these issues and standardize the otherwise disparate requirements—with or without an inducement from Congress or the courts.

State tangible personal property tax exemptions and tax treatment by state for small businesses

December 7, 2023 December 6, 2023

Personal Property De Minimis Exemptions Slash Compliance Burdens at Trivial Cost

All policy choices involve trade-offs—but occasionally, the ratio of costs and benefits is shockingly lopsided. Adopting a de minimis exemption for tangible personal property (TPP) taxes is just such a policy: one which massively reduces compliance and administrative burdens at trivial cost.

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Modernizing State Sales Tax Reform Options Guide

September 5, 2024 September 4, 2024

Modernizing State Sales Taxes: A Policymakers’ Guide

The sales tax is the second-largest source of state tax revenue and an important source of local tax revenue, but decades of base erosion threaten the tax’s share of overall revenue and have prompted years of countervailing rate increases.

US Infrastructure and US Transportation Funding for Highways Vehicle Miles Traveled VMT Tax

August 7, 2024

Expanding User Fees for Transportation: Roads and Beyond

By 2034, the gas tax and other car-related excise taxes are projected to raise less than half of the Highway Trust Fund’s outlays. While broader tax and spending reforms are necessary for overall deficit reduction, improving transportation funding would be a crucial step forward.

2024 state tax changes taking effect on July 1, 2024 state tax law changes

June 26, 2024 September 5, 2024

State Tax Changes Taking Effect July 1, 2024

Summer has arrived and states are beginning to implement policy changes that were enacted during the legislative session (or are being phased in over time).

Portland tax rates and complexity Portland Oregon income tax rates

June 25, 2024 June 25, 2024

Portland’s Weirdly High Taxes

Portland residents face some of the country’s highest taxes on just about every class of income. In an era of dramatically increased mobility for individuals and businesses alike, that’s not a recipe for success.

Local Income Taxes vs. Local Sales Taxes: Which Is the Better Source of Local Revenue

June 13, 2024 June 13, 2024

Local Income vs. Sales Taxes: Which Is the Better Source of Local Revenue?

To stay competitive in an increasingly mobile post-pandemic world, states and localities must learn from the tax policy successes and failures of their neighbors and communities across the nation.