Business and Innovation Team

The University of Utah Marriott Library is one of 90+ U.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) in the country, and one of two in the state of Utah. We celebrate our 40th anniversary as a PTRC this September.

PTRC representatives are information experts trained on how to use search tools to access patent and trademark information. PTRC representatives are not attorneys and cannot provide legal advice.

PTRC library representatives can:

Learn more about IP

Visit our PTRC's website to learn more about IP, patent searching, and trademark searching.

by Alfred Mowdood Last Updated Aug 14, 2024 1193 views this year

Disclosing Your IP

Listed below are links to the U's IP policy and the technology transfer office.

Employees at other companies, organizations, and institutions should check their internal policies regarding IP, especially when it is related to your employment and work. There is likely an internal process for disclosing IP.

UofU Policy 7-002 outline the University's Policy regarding patents and inventions, which applies to all University administrative officers, faculty members, non- faculty academic employees, staff members (whether full or part-time), and students.

"The Technology Licensing Office strives to be a global leader in innovation management that creates value for the University of Utah, its stakeholders and society." The Technology Licensing Office was formerly known as PIVOT, TVC, and TCO. It's the University's technology transfer office.
*According to University Policy 7-002, UofU employees and students (sometimes) must disclose their IP inventions to the Technology Licensing Office.