DJ Contract Template

Write your Contract for DJ Services with our template that states the rights and requirements of each party. With our outline, you can make your agreement without paying any large fees.

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Who will provide the services under this agreement? Who will provide the services under this agreement? Individual

Last Update August 14th, 2024

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Table of Contents:

What Is a DJ Contract

A DJ Service Contract is a legal document that is created when someone (the client) wants to hire a DJ to perform at an event for them.

The contract will generally include the time and place of the event, the hours the DJ will work, and how much they will earn.

Examples of events a DJ may be contracted for include:

Using our DJ Contract template, it will be simple to include all of this information without making any errors.

Wedding DJ Contract

One of the events that a DJ most frequently performs at is a wedding.

A DJ Contract for Weddings is used to create an agreement between a DJ and clients to perform at a wedding reception.

A DJ Wedding Contract sets the terms and conditions to assure both parties receive what they are promised.

What Should a DJ Contract Include

A well-written DJ Contract includes all necessary information to assure that the client receives the DJ’s services at the agreed-upon time.

It also assures that the DJ receives the correct amount of pay for performing at the event.

To create this binding agreement, you must include the following information:

Including these details in your agreement assures the rights of both parties are respected.

Download our template of a DJ Contract in PDF, to ensure you add every necessary detail to your document.

Why Is a DJ Contract Important

Having any service agreement in writing is essential for both the client and the party providing a service.

Not having an agreement in writing means it is not legally binding and one party’s rights could easily be violated.

The benefits of having a DJ Contract include:

Not having a contract prepared and signed can lead to problems and confusion later on, such as not knowing what should be provided by the parties in the contract.

A good example of how a DJ contract is beneficial would be, If both parties agreed that the DJ would perform for 4 hours.

However, the DJ only wants to perform for 3, you can use the contract to avoid this problem or confusion and prove what the agreed upon time was.

Another example from the DJ’s perspective would be, if you agreed that the price was $400, but the client only wants to pay $350, the contract will prove your agreed upon price.

Apart from this example, a contract would help either party argue their case if:

A contract will clear up any conflict and prove your case to the other party, or even the court, if you must go that far.

How Does a DJ Contract Template Work

By using a DJ Contract template, you will have a legally valid outline to make the writing process of your agreement stress-free.

Follow these steps to use your DJ Contract template correctly:

  1. Fill in the contract maker with all the necessary information to complete your legal document.
  2. Download the template, available in PDF and Word format.
  3. Print it, and it will be ready to be agreed upon and signed by both parties.

Use LawDistrict’s template to create and use your document.

DJ Contract Example

Before creating your service agreement, it is always a good idea to look over an example.

For this reason, we have included a sample DJ Contract below. Review the exact information needed and how to include it in the contract.

DJ Contract Sample

Get Your DJ Contract

Related Documents

Along with a DJ Service Contract, similar service agreements exist that should always use a formal contract to make the agreement legally binding.

Using these documents when hiring a service provider will help the process go much faster and at a much lower cost.

Have a look at these related documents:

DJ Contract FAQs

To clear up any doubts you may have, we have answered some of the most commonly asked questions regarding DJ Service Contracts.

Review the answers to some of the most asked questions to give yourself further information before writing your own document.

How Do You Contract a DJ?

To contract a DJ, the first step will be to find the DJ you would like to perform at your event.

There are a couple of ways you can find the DJ you are looking for, such as:

Once you have found a few candidates, select the one you think is best for the job. You can narrow it down by the type of music they usually play and availability.

After you and the DJ have an agreement, create a contract including all the necessary details.

How Much Does a DJ Cost?

The amount you pay a DJ depends on a few different factors. The amount determined in the contract depends on the following:

The price of writing a DJ Contract can vary as well. Our template will help you make the entire process cheaper.

Our DJ Service Contract template can help you skip unnecessary and excessive lawyer fees. By downloading the document at home, you will save money and time.

DJ Contract Sample

You are only a few steps away from your own DJ Contract Template!

Preview of your DJ Contract Template


This Service Agreement (hereinafter, the "Agreement"), is dated as of _________ (hereinafter, the "Effective Date"), and is entered into by and between the following parties:

_________ of _________, _________ and _________ (hereinafter, the "Client"),

_________ of _________, _________ and _________ (hereinafter, the "Contractor").


During the term of the Agreement, _________ shall perform the following services for _________ (hereinafter, the "Services"):


During the Term of the Agreement, the Client agrees to pay the Contractor as follows:

_________ agrees to pay, in addition to the principal and interest due hereon, all reasonable attorney fees, plus all other costs and expenses of collection and enforcement.

In addition to any other right or remedy provided by law, the failure of _________ to pay for the Services when due shall be considered a material breach of this contract, and _________ may terminate this Agreement and/or seek legal remedies.


This Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until completion of the Services by the Contractor, unless earlier terminated as provided herein, or unless extended by mutual agreement expressed in writing signed by both parties prior to the completion of the Services by the Contractor.


The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that all intellectual property and related material, including but not limited to any copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, patents, products or other information (hereinafter, the "Work Product"), performed under this Agreement shall be considered "Work Made for Hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright laws and, therefore, shall be owned by and be for the express benefit of the Client.

If requested by the Client, the Contractor will provide and execute all necessary documentation to confirm or perfect the ownership of the Client to the Work Product.


The Contractor certifies that, in providing the Services under this Agreement, he is acting as an independent contractor and not as an employee or an agent. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute an employment, agency, joint venture or partnership relationship between the parties.


The Parties hereby acknowledge that this Agreement is non-exclusive, and nothing herein shall prevent either Party from entering into similar or same agreements with third parties.


The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute and is hereinafter referred to as an "Event of Default":

a. If either party fails to make a required payment when due.

b. If either party becomes unable to perform its duties and fails to make available or deliver the Services in the time and manner provided for in this Contract.

c. If either party becomes or is declared insolvent or bankrupt.

d. If either party's property becomes subject to any levy, seizure, general assignment for the benefit of creditors, application or sale for or by any creditor or government agency.


In the event that either party (hereinafter, the "Defaulting Party") fails to perform any of its material obligations under this contract, or if any one of the hereinabove described Events of Default occurs which causes damage to the other Party (hereinafter, the "Non-defaulting Party"), it shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement.

In such an event, the Non-defaulting Party may notify the Defaulting Party in writing and request it to rectify and correct such breach of contract within _________ working day(s) from the effective date of such notice. If the Defaulting Party fails to cure the default(s) within such period of time, this agreement will be automatically terminated.

The defaulting Party shall be liable for any such breach pursuant to the applicable laws.


Neither party shall in no event be held liable or responsible to the other party nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement for any delay or failure in fulfilling or performing any obligation under this agreement when such delay or failure is resulting from circumstances beyond its reasonable control (hereinafter, "Force Majeure causes").

The term Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, acts of God, acts of civil or military authorities, insurrections, vandalism, riots, wars, lock-outs, embargoes, acts of nature, fire, natural disasters, epidemics, work stoppages or other labor disputes, or supplier failures.

A Party claiming the benefit of this provision shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of any such event:
(a) provide written notice to the other Party of the nature and extent of any such Force Majeure cause; and
(b) use reasonable efforts to remove any such causes and resume performance under this Agreement, as soon as reasonably practicable.


In the event a claim, dispute or controversy arises out of or in connection with this Agreement, the parties agree to attempt to resolve the claim, dispute or controversy by conducting good faith negotiations.

If the parties are unable to settle the matter between themselves within 30 days, the dispute shall thereafter be resolved by binding arbitration under the then current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.


This document constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.


This Agreement will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

If for any reason any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement. However, the parties shall cease performing such invalid or unenforceable provisions and negotiate in good faith to replace such invalid or unenforceable provisions with a valid, legal, and enforceable provision consistent with the original intent.


This Agreement may be amended or modified as needed. However, any modification, variation or amendment of this Agreement shall only be valid if made in writing form and duly signed by the parties obligated under the amendment.


This Agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the State of .


Any and all notices, requests, demands or other communications to be given under this Agreement must be (i) given in writing and (ii) personally delivered or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or transmitted by electronic mail transmission to the party to whom such notice or communication is directed, to the mailing address or electronic mail address of such party as set forth in the opening paragraph of this Agreement, or to such other address or email address as any party may from time to time notify the other.


The waiver by either party of a breach, default, delay or omission of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the other party will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or other provisions.


In the event that any action is instituted to enforce or interpret the validity of this Agreement or any of its provisions, the prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other available remedies.


This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned by either party without prior written consent of the other party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.